Recent D365 Storage Alerts

What to do if we exceed our D365 storage limits?
Last month Microsoft started sending storage capacity notifications to admins when they are running out of or exceeding D365 storage limits. You might have received this notification over the past few weeks, or an email from Microsoft.
TrellisPoint can help you manage D365 storage utilization and avoid excess storage costs by optimizing your system on a regular schedule. This can be a standard maintenance activity for customers utilizing TrellisPoint Support, however we are always available to discuss CRM maintenance requests as the need arises in your business.
In many cases we find that D365 storage capacity is reached due to old/redundant data, unoptimized workflows, and large documents. These scenarios can be easily resolved through on-demand or regularly scheduled maintenance jobs. In other cases, you may need to purchase additional storage to address capacity issues, ranging between $3.50-$40/GB/month depending on the type of storage needed. Please contact us so we can discuss your options and find the right solution for you.