CRM Migration: Part 1
Having an up to date CRM system is part of the foundation of a growing business. It allows an organization to grow and adapt to changes in their...
1 min read
TrellisPoint Marketing Feb 2, 2021 6:49:00 AM
Like many organizations, LMI began with a basic on-premise CRM system. However, as the company grew, it struggled with utilization among its staff as there were no formal or consistent processes for using the system. It served as little more than a contact rolodex, with data input unfit for analytical purposes. Users were unable to view prospects effectively within the framework of the process, from proposal through to sale and litigation. Additionally, the CRM system did not integrate with other key business systems to tie data together in one place. This disparate functionality of systems translated to inefficient business processes and a lack of cohesion between the organization’s sales and operational staff.
Upon formalizing a new sales process for its growing team, LMI’s leadership knew the existing CRM system would fall even further behind in meeting the company’s evolving needs. Thus, they made the decision to upgrade – moving to the cloud and configuring the system based upon the new sales process.
LMI chose TrellisPoint to tackle the CRM upgrade and migration project because of the company’s trusted reputation and high quality of upfront strategy.
“Once we had the formalized sales process in place, we wanted our CRM to match it,” says Sonya Virant, LMI’s President and Chief Operating Officer. “We engaged TrellisPoint to implement our sales process within Microsoft Dynamics 365, getting rid of things we didn’t need in the CRM system and adding additional items we did – all while putting our brand’s stamp on it.”
TrellisPoint kicked off the project with a number of review sessions to discuss and document LMI’s current CRM pains, as well as its wants and needs for the new system. With these findings in mind, the team then formulated a plan on how to approach the migration to Microsoft Dynamics 365. Highlights of the resulting solution include:
Having an up to date CRM system is part of the foundation of a growing business. It allows an organization to grow and adapt to changes in their...
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